Health & Diet

Two Main Causes Of Fatty Liver Diseases(And What You Need To Know)

The two main causes of fatty liver are:

  • Alcohol
  • NAFLD- Non alcoholic fatty liver disease

The underlying cause of NAFLD is a faulty lifestyle and is a part of metabolic syndrome (consisting of obesity, hypertension, high sugar, elevated lipids)

NAFLD is further divided into NAFL (simple fatty liver) and NASH (steatohepatitis).

NAFL is only fatty liver with normal enzymes. NASH consists of inflammation in the liver with high enzymes (SGOT and SGPT).

NASH is further divided into stages based on amount of inflammation and degree of fibrosis. Fibrosis is from F0 meaning none to F4 meaning cirrhosis.

The best method to stage the fatty liver is a liver biopsy. But it is invasive and can lead to complications.

There are indirect methods to stage it. You can predict stage based on your platelets, LFT, INR, GGT, ultrasound and fibroscan.

Please consult a gastroenterologist/ hepatologist to help you.

Early intervention is successful before permanent damage sets in.
