
NBA World Reacts To Michael Jordan’s Honest Admission

Legendary NBA star Michael Jordan has made it clear that he’s in favor of the league’s rules for the 2021-22 regular season.

The league – and the league’s cities across the country – have strict rules in place for the upcoming regular season. In some cities – New York and San Francisco – home players will only be allowed to play if they are vaccinated. In another city, Toronto, players could face criminal charges if they break hotel protocols.

Jordan has made it clear he’s all in favor of the rules.

“Not at all. Not at all. I am total in unison with the league. And I think everybody, you know, has been speaking about the vaccinations. And, you know, I’m a firm believer in science and, you know, I’m going to stick with that and hopefully everybody abides by whatever the league sets the rules. I think once everybody buys in, we’re going the be fine,” Jordan said when asked if he’s concerned about the protocols.

NBA fans all have the same thought – can you imagine how Jordan would’ve reacted to one of his teammates being unvaccinated?

“Lmao could you imagine tryna explain to Kobe or MJ as your teammate that you was gonna miss basketball games cus you ain’t wanna get a shot,” one fan tweeted.

“Michael Jordan would inject his teammates himself and I’m not joking at all,” another fan tweeted.

The fans probably aren’t wrong…

The NBA’s 2021-22 regular season is set to begin on Tuesday night.

SOURCE : TheSpun
