Travel & Tours

Why Tigers Attack Humans Much More Than Lions

 Lions live out in the open savannah. Humans can normally see where the lions are and unless they are complete idiots will give the lions a very wide berth.

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Tigers live in jungles where there is far more cover. Humans who go trekking through these jungles will not be able to see them from far away like they can with lions. Tigers also have superb camouflage enabling them to melt into the background at a distance of just a few yards.

If a tiger is surprised by a human it will likely attack especially if it is a female with cubs and in the Sunder bans mangrove swamps the tigers will actively seek out humans who are usually illegally fishing or going after honey.

SO although tigers are more likely to be man-eaters than lions, it is largely due to human stupidity in going into a place where tigers live.
