Courses & Documentary

These 5 AI Tools Will 10x Your Productivity

While non-AI tools can also be useful, these specific tools have significantly improved my efficiency and performance. This is why I highly recommend them to you all. And before we dive in, what is the coolest is that most of these tools are or in some way might be implemented directly on Uphorial in the future! Here’s a quick tl;dr of the best tools, but I strongly invite you to watch the short video to learn more and find out even more interesting tools and why they are so cool!

AI Tools We’ll Cover

ChatGPT. I had to note it. ChatGPT is amazing for many things. It’s useful to create templates for many repetitive tasks involving text.

Grammarly is just a fantastic corrector. It helps you correct your sentences live and is embedded in most text inputs from any website and even on your phone, whether you are typing a tweet, an email, or a LinkedIn post.

Cohere.  I love being able to summarize a long article or video into a few lines. I used it myself for my own articles to create social posts since you can customize the output pretty well to get the length you want, and the summaries are better than what I usually do. They have lots of other features I talk about in the video too. is amazing during your remote meetings. It will automatically summarize what you talk about and split it into the different topics you covered. This is incredibly useful for interviews or long meetings that cover a wide variety of topics. has many features, but the one I most enjoy is how it automatically organizes your content. There are templates for pretty much everything, like meeting summaries.

The most useful tool is… the future! Tune in to the video to learn what I mean by that!
