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The President Biden December Democracy Summit: A Global Rebirth?

As Democracy Summit scheduled to commence today December 9-10, 2021 at the behest of the United States President J.R Biden, a certain topical discourse touching the august event is hereby considerable. Ostensibly, owing to the break out of the globally ravaging Covid-19 pandemic and disposed to strictly observe the crowd control restraint protocols, it will be held virtually on Zoom, primarily. Historically the upcoming December 2021 Democracy Summit is of immense value, especially in the calculation of the doyen of democracy – the United States of America and her incumbent President in particular. Without much fussing, democracy is a type of government basically defined as the government of the people, for the people and by the people.

It distinguishes itself from other distinct systems of government mainly Communism, Aristocracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, etc in the sense that while others primarily places political power in the hands of an individual (Dictatorship) or group of people, (Aristocracy) Democracy prioritizes the values of a people which it decides to call the electorate and drops the political determination trajectory in their preeminent charge and bosoms. In a sharp contrast Communism, which arguably started in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, (USSR) with the capital at Moscow, Russia, but spanned from Eurasia during its dispensation from 1922 to 1991. Both socialism and capitalism economic cum political systems are considered to be the government intervention within an economy, although their differences lies in the scope of management of the affairs.

Returning to our immediate concern, the December 2021 Democracy Summit will come as an impressive occasion for the United States to reaffirm their commitment to democratic principles and advance its horizon further, while highlighting what they believe are its prime advantages over others. Interestingly, the United States believes the summit will deliver a favorable circumstance for all participants to “to listen, learn and engage with a diverse range of actors whose support and commitment is critical for global democratic renewal.” Continuing, it says,”lt will also showcase one of democracy’s unique strengths: the ability to acknowledge its imperfections and confront them openly and transparently, so that we may as the United States Constitution puts it, “form a more perfect union.” Furthermore, those eligible to participate is primarily the targeted nations, bodies, agencies and consultants considered as allies, or prospective collaborators such as “experts from government, multilateral organizations philanthropies, civil society, and the private sector to solicit bold, practicable ideas around three key themes: They are,
1) Defending against authoritarianism
2) Addressing and fighting corruption, and
3) Promoting respect for human rights.”

China has expressed uneasiness over the inclusion of Taiwan (which is largely under their control with firm regional influence) by the USA and the manner of the extension of invite. There seem to be a diplomatic gaffe, or so it appears. lraq, is another awkward guest; but plausibly the preaching of the merits and espousal of the demerits too, of democracy is indiscriminately publicized by its champion.

The thing that’s is of fascinating value is, indeed, what more conviction is the United States differently insisting to prove and reaffirm with this renewed democracy agenda to a world where, in contradiction, China with perhaps their reformed communism styled governance, have successfully and deeply integrated its own economy with the world economy. lt will also interest you to realize that in Japan, where there is a blend of predominant Monarchy and a ceremonial Democracy, nevertheless, there is indisputably a fair level of political plus economic wellbeing. The bone of contention here being, as lgbo tribal adage says that ‘nku no be ndi, na eghere ha nri’, and which is literally translated that a people’s brand of firewood suffices to cook well their meals’. Contextually, I can make the parable clearer thus that ‘a unique system or practice one adopts and which may be peculiarly suitable to their particular situation and experience, has always proved efficient and compatible to their regional reality. Let this sink in the ears of chief planner of the upcoming virtual summit -President Joseph Biden of the United States of America and his international allies that this diplomatic stance of China may just be that unflappable disposition of the intellectually knowledgeable pundits calmly stepping aside in the observation corner, while a certain ‘knowledge – monopolizing’ and grandstanding fellow is out there working his arse out. The government of China may indeed be practicing the 3rd of the 48 Laws of Power according to Robert Green that advises to ‘Conceal Your Intentions’. On the other hand, the United States government may somehow claim to also be following another one of the 48 Laws of Power that implores to ‘court attention at all cost’, however, the appropriateness and timing of the application of any of the laws is indeed what makes the difference. It is quite anachronistic for the USA to opt for the advancement and preaching of a system of government that seems to have witnessed her best days already at such an economical hard and trying times with the ugly addition of ravaging rising insecurity. While the Chinese are busy expanding its influence to the uttermost part of the world via foreign loan advanced to all the African and non African beneficiary nations although this have been called a debt trap by western countries. Debtor nations still accept these attractive gifts willy-nilly unmindful or oblivious of some probable grievous stringes attached.

What should basically occupy the mindset of the organizers and participants alike of this virtual program in their deliberations is how best to combat, on the global stages the rapidly rising insecurity, pervading terrorism, hunger and corruption that are curiously ravishing the world and demeaning humanity. The world over, what really counts is what steps are being taken towards achieving economic political and social soundness and welfare of a given people and period. The decision of the type of vehicle used towards the fortuitous accomplishment of the foregoing tasks is largely immaterial provided there is tangible result, however else an individual nation prefers to go. The end justifies the means, they say. Therefore, what should rather capture the overriding interest of the local and international communities and political players is not supposed to be particularlized to the adopted approach but more about delivering of dividends of the political pattern collectively approved. It must then be true that there may be more to this entire scenario than meets the eye. At the background, from time immemorial and since the existence of mankind, there have been a sort of surreptitious and subterranean details behind most government’s programs which are often not easily discerned by the unsuspecting simple- minded onlooker. The details of this hypothesis including the essential significance of capitalism as against socialism and how their advantagous qualities can be explored by respective societies for maximum benefit, growth and development, I do not have the luxury of space and time here to elaborate. The omission of the individuals or nations herein whose creation of the distinct forms of government is fundamentally credited to, is deliberate.Without prejudice to the resourceful quality, the subject matter prioritizes what has already been written.

America and China should tie together to enhance their trade and economy. If the summit brings out confrontation and differentiation, which will negatively influence Nigeria’s interest, and even all African country’s interest. The President of Nigeria-China Community (a Nigerian socio-economic group in China making business and trade), Mr. Maximus Ogbonnaya wishes the USA and their virtual guests at the crucial December Democracy Summit a fruitful deliberations capable of promote global cooperation and optimal dynamism.

SOURCE : Guardian
