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The overpopulation myth

The overpopulation myth, was debunked by a data scientist. A widespread concern with overpopulation became prominent in the 1960s and the 1970s, when scholars wondered how we could produce enough food for a rapidly growing global population. Brought to the fore with the publication of the book, "The Population Bomb," by Paul R. Ehrlich in 1968, it seemed that the only way to solve this problem was to discourage people from having more children. This concern hinged on the assumption that the world population would continue to grow exponentially, but it hasn't. While the global population is still growing, in fact it's growing at a much slower rate, as global population growth rates peaked decades ago and have halved since then. So is this concern completely unfounded? What can future population projections tell us? Data scientist Hannah Ritchie explains why.

Is Overpopulation a Concern for Us? – I.I.M.U.N. Blog

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