Telegram's creator has spoken out on the issue of user privacy. And we're more perplexed than we've ever been.
Pavel Durov, the creator and CEO of Telegram, wrote on his public Telegram channel on Monday about his experience protecting user data from the Russian authorities. He concludes his post by adding, "Whatever the case may be, I will always stand up for our users. Their right to privacy is extremely important to them. Now, more than ever, is the time to take action."
However, Durov does not provide assurances that Telegram's user data is secure on either Telegram or Twitter. It's possible that there's a problem with the translation: Because Durov is bilingual (Russian and English), he may have utilized a Google translate-like tool to help him write the message. Taking, on the other hand, his posts at face value, the statements "I stand for our users" and "their right to privacy is sacred" are not the same thing as an unequivocal promise to not hand over data to the Russian government, nor are they an assurance that user data is safe from hacking and leaks.
Durov is the creator of VK, Russia's most popular social media platform. In his post, Durov claims that the Russian government forced him in the early 2010s to provide up data on Ukrainians who opposed the country's pro-Russian leader at the time. Durov disagreed, and as a result, he lost control of VK and had to escape the country (he is now a French citizen). VK is currently under state control.
Later, he launched Telegram, a messaging network with one-to-one and group messaging, as well as public "channels" where users may broadcast their opinions and news and operate as forums. The Russian government attempted to shut down Telegram in 2018, but abandoned the plan in 2020. It is now Russia's second largest messaging platform after WhatsApp, with 38 million monthly active users in the country as of 2020.
Durov expressly addresses worries raised by some that his prior residence in Russia would jeopardize Ukrainian security. That's probably why he narrates the narrative of the VK war and reveals that his mother's side is Ukrainian.
Telegram has become the primary messaging tool for discussing the war in Ukraine and Russia, according to experts, therefore hearing from the founder is beneficial. However, the message does not go far enough to allay concerns about user privacy.