Courses & Documentary

Sustainable Energy in Refugee Camps

Most of the world’s 102 million forcibly displaced people – refugees – lack access to reliable, affordable, sustainable energy. Attempts to provide such energy in refugee camps have been marred by governance challenges and a lack of technical expertise within humanitarian organizations. But new research discussed in this lecture on the lived experience of refugees is helping cast a light on ways to address it. However, developing inclusive approaches and supporting refugee-led action on energy is no easy task. This lecture was recorded by Dr Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen on 10th April 2024 at Barnard's Inn Hall, London Sarah is a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, where she is a member of the Refugee Studies Centre and Linacre College. She is the Co-Founder of the Global Platform for Action for Sustainable Energy in Displacement Situations (GPA).

Sustainable Energy in Refugee Camps - Dr Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen

Gresham College lectured Dr Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen
