Courses & Documentary

Quantum communication

In this video I'm joined by the amazing Dr Hannah Stern, who shows me the ins and outs of her research into Quantum Communication (new super secure form of communication) with the help of PhD students Simone and Gu. Dr Hannah is a real-life Quantum Physicist, and got her PhD in Physics at Cambridge University and is now a Junior Research Fellow at Cambridge. 

How Aerospace Is Leading the Development of Quantum Communication  Technologies for Space | The Aerospace Corporation

Really excited to share my first video about research in the physics department at Cambridge, as this is where I'm also doing my PhD, and it's great to do it with Hannah as we share a lot of common background from New Zealand! As always, let me know in the comments what you think, and if you're an aspiring scientist I'm always open to take suggestions on what topic to look at next! Massive thanks of course goes out to the legendary Professor Mete Atature (the Prof. Hannah works for) for making this all possible. 

Why This Quantum-Encrypted Video Hangout Is a Big Deal | WIRED

This video is student-produced content was made indepedently from the Cavendish Laboratory and Physics Department here at the University of Cambridge. If it's not clear, the entrance scence is inspired by Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" (but just like 100x worse). Clips are taken from Ant-Man and the Wasp, and The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (fair use applies).
