Synopsis: The comedy action movie "Kung Fu Lobster 功夫龍蝦" tells the story of Lin Xiaoxue, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, and went down the mountain to visit her father after learning that her father had a car accident. She found that her father had lost his sense of taste and body control, and the lobster restaurant inherited from his ancestors was framed by a villain and had to close. In order to help her father regain hope in life and keep the ancestral lobster restaurant, Lin Xiaoxue picked up a spoon that she had never touched before and began to learn how to cook lobster. During the learning process, she met the well-known food blogger Youtian. With the help of Youtian and his friends, Lin Xiaoxue found out the villain who framed the lobster restaurant, brought the villain to justice, and won the championship in the food competition, making the lobster restaurant famous all over the world.
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Kung Fu Lobster