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Find out how to use Google Bard as the search engine unveils its own AI chatbot which is launching to the public ‘in the coming weeks’. ChatGPT, which was developed by an AI research laboratory called OpenAI, launched in November 2022 and sent the internet wild. It’s one of the most advanced chatbots the world has ever seen, which speaks to you in a conversational way like a real human. You can use it to do all kinds of things like find out information, get advice, and even write full essays, and now Google has its own version. Read on to find out all about Bard


Bard is a chatbot created by Google that is powered by a technology called LaMDA, which stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications. It’s an “experimental conversational AI service” that “seeks to combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge with the power, intelligence, and creativity” of Google’s language models. In simple terms, Bard is a virtual computer-generated ‘human’ that can answer questions and provide information on every topic imaginable in seconds. The chatbot draws on information from the web to provide “fresh, high-quality responses” and can be an “outlet for creativity, and a launchpad for curiosity,” Google says.


Bard has not been launched to the public yet. Google says it is only open to “trusted testers” right now and will become “more widely available to the public in the coming weeks”. However, they have released a detailed demonstration that explains exactly how to use the chatbot ahead of its release.

All you have to do is visit the site when it launches and type something into the search bar to receive a detailed response. Google Bard will be a separate website that you visit which looks a little like the Google homepage and has its own search bar. In the bar, you can type anything you want and Bard will respond to you with information about that topic. If you ask a question, the chatbot will answer it. The example sees someone ask Bard “Is piano or guitar easier to learn and how much practice does each need?” to which the bot has a detailed response.

“Some say the piano is easy to learn, as the finger and hand movements are more natural,” the computer-generated technology begins.


Many companies are developing AI technology – but why? Well, Google says it can “deepen our understanding of information and turn it into useful knowledge more efficiently”. They say Bard will make it easier for people to get to the heart of what they’re looking for and get things done with far more detail than normal Google searches. Search engines are good for factual things like asking “how many keys does a piano have?” and will give you the answer in seconds. However, we often want to find out deeper things like the above example, “is the piano or guitar easier to learn,” which Google can’t answer.

“AI can be helpful in these moments, synthesizing insights for questions where there’s no one right answer,” the search engine explains. Chatbots can give complex information and multiple perspectives in “easy-to-digest formats” so you can “quickly understand the big picture”.
