Health & Diet

How to Do a Deadlift

Proper deadlift technique is what separates a good workout from a great one. Deadlifts are to strength training what running is to cardio. The benefits of weightlifting are infinite, and deadlifts are an excellent strength training exercise to add to your weightlifting roster. Deadlifts are one of the best full-body exercises you can perform to build muscle and burn fat. Understanding how to deadlift properly will make a massive difference between a fantastic strength training session and one where you end up with a sore back. We teamed up with collegiate athlete Erin Moss to teach us how to do a deadlift the right way. You need to remember three essential deadlift techniques when performing a deadlift: 

1. Always keep your weight close to your body, this will make your lift more efficient and improve your strength. 2. Remember to always hinge at your hip. When you hinge at the hip, you allow your spine and torso to stay neutral and, in turn, prevent injury and improve your strength training performance. 3. Lastly, never squat when doing a deadlift. Squatting while deadlifting puts unnecessary stress on your lower back.

Beginner Deadlift Program, 2 Days/Week – StrengthLog

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