The mass shooting in America is related to its frequency and we has known this because of math.
Imagine for a second a group of 100 adults.
1.20 of them have some sort of mental illness,
2.8 have anger issues
3.8 have borderline defective or lower IQ
4.6 hold radical political views (white supremacy, militant islam, etc.)
5.10 are addicted to drugs or alcohol
and so on…
Now, give this group 120 guns. What is the chance that someone will get killed?
All the statistics I gave you apply to the whole US population, including the number of guns. The US is the only country in the world which has more guns than people. Many say Switzerland also has a lot of guns - sure it does. 27 per 100 people. Once again - the US has 120 guns per 100 people. Five times more. With that many guns, anyone can get their hands on one.
So let’s say one of the people listed above wakes up feeling angry and just wants to murder.
In Europe, such a guy usually grabs a knife or a bat and runs berserk. Usually ends with some wounds, one or zero fatalities and a guy in the nuthouse. Apparently it is not so easy to kill people with a knife.
In the US, angry guy grabs a gun, goes to school, starts shooting. Because there are 120 guns per 100 people.
It’s pure and simple math, get the number of guns down to 30 per 100 people and watch school shootings melt away like the evil witch.
Or accept that the right to bear arms requires monthly child sacrifice. Just don’t lie to yourself and others that the number of guns available to the general population has no bearing on the number of mass shootings.