Courses & Documentary

Gresham College - How Cancer Genomics is Transforming Cancer Care

Using lung cancer as a case study, this lecture will explore the transformative impact of genomics on personalised cancer treatment. What are the challenges of implementing tumour sequencing in routine care, its effect on drug development, and how can we maximise clinical benefit? How is the new technology of circulating tumour DNA analysis (liquid biopsy) used by healthcare systems? What is the potential future impact of using DNA analysis to screen for cancers early? This lecture was recorded by Professor Sanjay Popat on 23rd January 2024 at Barnard's Inn Hall, London Professor Sanjay Popat is a Consultant Thoracic Medical Oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital and Professor of Thoracic Oncology at the Institute of Cancer Research.

How Cancer Genomics is Transforming Cancer Care - Sanjay Popat - YouTube

Gresham College lecture was recorded by Professor Sanjay Popat
