Courses & Documentary

Gresham College - Democracy: Ancient Models, Modern Challenge

Demokratia is the power (kratos) of the people (demos). But what kind of power, and who constitutes the people? Although ancient democracy is often stylized as “direct democracy” and so positioned as very different from modern “representative democracy,” in fact, issues of accountability are central to both. Ancient Greek models of holding leaders to account are still relevant. Furthermore, the ancient Greek use of election for some offices and lottery selection for others also offers instructive possibilities for modern challenges. This lecture was recorded by Melissa Lane on 14th March 2024 at Barnard's Inn Hall, London Melissa is Gresham Professor of Rhetoric. Melissa is an author, lecturer and broadcaster who has received major awards including a Guggenheim Fellowship and Lucy Shoe Meritt Residency in Classical Studies at the American Academy of Rome.

Statue Of Plato, Academy Of Athens, Athens, Attiki, Greece,, 53% OFF

Gresham College lecture by Melissa Lane
