Four years after working with Apple on the launch of the Apple Card, Goldman Sachs may be looking at an exit. The Wall Street Journal reports that Goldman is looking for a way out of its high-profile deal with Apple, which recently expanded to include a savings account for Apple cardholders. The investment banking firm is apparently talking about transferring the partnership to American Express, the WSJ report added, but so far nothing seems set in stone, nor is it clear yet. Apple will support the delivery. However, it will not be surprising if such an arrangement occurs. Last year, Goldman CEO David Solomon said he was "considering an alternative strategy" for the investment firm's client arm. Aside from its deal with Apple, Goldman's client businesses include a credit card partnership with General Motors and GreenSky, a mortgage company Goldman bought for $2.2 billion in 2021. For their part, Apple and Goldman did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the report from the WSJ. CNBC later published a similar story, citing unnamed sources.
Goldman may be trying to bail on Apple Card