Business & Events

Facebook's New Feature Allows Users To Choose How Much They Ignore Their Peers

Facebook has announced a new feature to its social media platform that will better allow users to customize their news feed.

Facebook has revealed that they are making a more friendly way for its users to “find and use News Feed controls to adjust people’s ranking preferences.” Over the years, the Facebook platform has continuously been working on providing its users with ways to ensure that their News Feed is as tailored as possible. Now, the new feature gives users greater control over who’s content they want to see or ignore. This is applicable to Groups and Pages the user is connected to.

Professional businesses will also receive additional News Feed controls in the form of the Topic Exclusion controls. According to Facebook, “the advertiser topic exclusion control allows an advertiser to select a topic to help define how we’ll show the ad on Facebook, including News Feed.” Those using the Facebook app will also be able to manage different ways in which advertisers are able to reach them in the Ads Preferences tabs.

These additional features are part of Facebook’s broader aim to increase content-based controls for users to have a more customized and tailored experience on Facebook.

SOURCE : HYpebeast
