Business & Events

'Don't Slam The Door In Your Own Face' And 4 Other Valuable Tips About Being A Multi-Hyphenate Creat

For Black creatives looking to get started, or continue forward, in film or television, the pool of opportunity has never been wider. But what about those of us who posses more than one talent that we want to put to use?
During the third annual ESSENCE Hollywood House, ESSENCE Vice President of Branded Content, Video and Experiential Stephanie Dunivan, at down with actress and model Chasity Saunders in a conversation presented by Coca-Cola to share several key tips for how to find success as a multi-hyphenate creative in Hollywood.
Your Back Up Plan Can Turn Into Your Dream Job
“I think people get caught up with “I have a plan and I have a vision,” Stephanie said. “And maybe it’s not going the way you thought it would. So then it’s like, ok, I need a back up plan. But that back up plan can light you up just as much as what your original plan was. That back up plan can turn into your dream job.”
Keep Creating & Be Consistent
“With social media, just keep creating. You don’t know when, or who, is going to see it or who is going to share it,” Stephanie says. “A lot of people see someone who has a huge following on social media and they just want those results. But they don’t know how many videos they had that had two views before they had that one that went viral. So, you just have to stay consistent because if you’re talented and if your craft is good, someone is going to see it.”
There’s Power In Your Peers
“Make sure that you’re utilizing the people that are right across from you instead of going up to that person who might already have that corner office,” Chasity said. “Working with my peers has been the thing that has definitely set me apart.”
Follow Your Happiness
“Whatever lights you up, whatever makes you happy, whatever you do [well] that makes other people happy, that could be your gift,” Stephanie said. “There’s a career somewhere in there.”
