Art & Fashion

9 African Models Taking the International Modelling Scene by Storm

Back when European standards were still popularly used as a measure of beauty, Black women were deemed as either “too dark” or “not pretty enough” to be supermodels. However, as the world slowly adapts, Black models are becoming the most sought-after — challenging the status quo by ruling the runway and dominating editorials.


Growing up, I used to watch a lot of TV, and from the content I consumed, it’s safe to say that the definition of a beautiful woman was someone slim, tall, light-skinned and with straight hair. It was rare to see a dark-skinned woman with 4c type hair labelled as the “most beautiful woman” or chosen to be at the forefront of fashion shows, let alone magazine covers. 

Although there still is a long way to go in redefining beauty within the fashion industry, it’s pleasing to witness the change that has begun. We’ve rounded up some of Africa's models making waves on international shows and explore who they are below.


