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20 Things That Are Not Worth It(Note No14 Carefully)

As we begin a new week ,we thought its right to remind you of some few things that are not worth your time ,see below

Read Also: 10 Common Mindset With Every Successful Person(Check If You Have Them) 

1.Cheating (in anything). Just don’t do it, especially if you want to look at yourself in the mirror later that day.

2.Hooking up with people you barely know. Just… yuck. Not for me.

3.Drinking alcohol. Nothing makes me feel worse than knocking back a few beers when I could just have a Topo Chico or a La Croix. Sorry if I’m weird for saying that. (I love caffeine-free Diet Coke, by the way, the official soda of athletes with anxiety!)

4.Pretending you’re tough. Being a “tough guy” helped me with zero things in my life ever. The tougher you attempt to appear, the weaker you seem. 
Toughness is being vulnerable and dealing with the consequences of your vulnerability.

5.Staying in relationships that are draining in the name of “love”. Love isn’t supposed to suck. If this sounds oddly specific to you, that’s because it is.

6.Doing more for the sake of doing more. Honestly, no one cares how productive you are. Being productive is not a personality trait.

7.Spending money you don’t have. Come on now… you don’t need that new Razor scooter. Relax.

8.Spending time on social media. You’re gonna die one day, and you’d rather watch Tik Toks than go do stuff? That’s wild to me.

9.Fighting with friends and family members and partners. I struggle to engage in conflict with my inner circle anymore. It’s too draining. Don’t fight. Have conversations.

10.Trying to impress people. No one cares about your stupid watch. No one cares how much money you made from writing. Kill the fucking ego.

11.Watching too much TV. I like TV. It’s a nice escape from time to time. I’m a big fan of that one show, “Euphoria”, because it reminds me of my fucking wacky high school. However, too much TV will make you depressed.

12.Watching porn. I’m not one of those “NoFap” people. That’s weird and a little excessive to me. However, I’ve never watched porn and then felt better about my life afterward.

13.Reading too many books. Motivated people love to talk about how great books are. I love books too. I’m actually trying to write one, and I read a lot. However, reading too many books is wasting your precious time. Go live. Books are in your mind. Your life is real.

14.Eating too much. Because of my career in combat sports, I’ve had issues with binge eating for years. I never feel good about stuffing myself.

15.Self-enforced starvation. Food is part of what helps us feel connected to each other as human beings. I’ve also had periods where I’ve skipped meals for days on end to make weight for Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling. Few things are more isolating than self-enforced starvation.
Having too many goals. “If a man does not have sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can get lost in the sauce.” — Gucci Mane

16.Allowing your fear to dictate your behavior. Nothing stings like regret. Letting fear stop you from taking chances is a surefire path to spiritual suicide.

17.Being “cool”. Cool when you’re younger doesn’t mean the same thing it does when you’re an adult. It’s best to avoid the pursuit of coolness altogether and seek self-actualization.

18.Forcing shit. If your relationship is a constant battle, it’s probably not worth it. If your career is killing you physically and mentally, it’s probably not worth it. The more you force shit that isn’t working, the more miserable you’ll be.

19.Becoming obsessed with self-improvement. The truth about self-improvement is a bit grim: self-improvement is about you.

20.Life is not about you. Learn to balance your personal development with the love and connection of people around you.
