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Things that are absolute waste of time

In our truth episode today on Uphorial media, we would be giving you 15 tips that are absolutely a waste of your time do well to note these things to have a good life.

  1. People pleasing: it’s damn exhausting. If you are one of the unfortunate ones with this stellar trait, work on it. Sooner than later. It’s a miserable life. Impossible to please everyone and it a complete waste of time
  2. Gossip: if you find yourself, or those close to you gossiping about people, remove or limit your time with them.
  3. Toxic relationships: You were cheated on? You were lied to? Wait! They said they would change. They won’t. They definitely won’t. Remove them from your life and find someone that respects you. Put your time into them, not wasting it on those that showed you who they are.
  4. Fast food: it may be quick, and some even say it tastes good. But with age and consumption, you will quickly find out why the “convenience” of it is a waste of time. Health.
  5. Rumination: Obsessively thinking about people, events, and things you can not and will not change/control. Put that energy into yourself. Time well spent, not wasted.
  6. Careers: I’m speaking of the ones that consume your life. I get we need doctors, attorneys, engineers, etc. but to me, living to work is not my ideal life. To each their own.
  7. Opinions: This is very hard I know. I struggle with it. But if you can come to terms with not giving a flying shit what someone thinks about you, well, life will be so much better! Not everyone will like us but be ok with it. Be you, do you, and be kind to others.
  8. Education: Unless it is needed for a profession you have a passion for. Education is far more than books and schooling. I’ve met some of the most brilliant people that have a high school education or less.
  9. Social media: oh, but you need the “likes.” You need to portray this image that doesn’t exist!? It’s exhausting and a waste of time to chase attention while lying and masking it as you are out for the greater good. Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Not your friend. All a distraction, and a waste of time.
  10. Drinking: Yea, it will give you a temporary sense of egotistical acceptance, but it’s anything but that. So much time, money, and brain cells are wasted on a miserable comfort. Hard to be productive and face reality when you’re drunk all the time planning your next drink and everything around the “next” drink.
  11. Giving advice: listen, there’s nothing wrong with helping others. But wait for them to ask. And for the most part, the advice you give is something you should be taking yourself. Believe in your own advice and it will be time better spent. It’s all about the vibe.
  12. Serial dating: I know some that are constantly dating. How goddamn exhausting! Really. Talk, be friends, be alone, and get to know yourself. In return, you won’t waste so much time trying to find this perfect person to “complete” you, instead of adding to what you already have to offer.
  13. Friend group: We all need human interaction. I’m talking about those having to be in the “know” of everything. That FOMO mentality. It’s ok to “miss out” on its quality over quantity. Have very few good friends and let acquaintances be just that.
  14. Hate: So much energy in the world and media is spent on spreading hate. It takes a lot of energy to hate someone you don’t even know. Think about that.
  15. Forgiveness: I’m speaking of others that have done you wrong. Who says we have to forgive others for the wrongs they’ve done? Some shit deserves to not be forgiven. Quit wasting time thinking about it! Change starts when we forgive ourselves. We aren’t perfect.

The bottom line, we will waste years of our life worrying about shit that doesn’t matter. Years in relationships with those that don’t value or respect us. And years chasing something that we “think” will make us feel better. Only to end up at the end of our road saying WTF?
