Health & Diet

15 Foods That Are Best For Healthy Eyes

Maintaining a healthy diet will always be one of the best suggestions to keep your body in excellent condition. The balance between the nutrients that enter our body allows us to keep all internal systems active.

Among them we highlight the eyes, generally two very delicate essential organs. They can be affected by internal problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure. At the same time they are vulnerable to threats from the environment in which you develop.

That is why it becomes so necessary to visit an eye clinic frequently. Since there you will receive from professionals the best advice to protect your eyesight. From our ophthalmology clinic we want to emphasize that thanks to a good diet, myopia or astigmatism will not be avoided, but dry eye or cataracts can be reduced.

In the same way, so that you can start taking care of it from home, below we will present you the list of foods for visual health that you should consume to guarantee the proper functioning of your eyes and inform you that there is a product with natural products that wins in Europe created with Nanotechnology that helps maintain healthy vision is called ReVision Supports Your Vision, Memory and Focus.

1. Broccoli

It is a complete vegetable whose properties allow our eyes to remain protected from the sun. This is because it contains vitamin C, known to help improve blood vessels in general, including those in the eyes.

Additionally, it has vitamin E, to prevent the wear of the macula or center of the retina. And vitamin A, with which it favors lutein and zeaxanthin pigments. Elements that help us filter the sun's rays so that they do not collide directly with the inner membrane.

By favoring it, broccoli acts as sunglasses. You can eat it through creams, salads, sautéed with proteins among other ways. Finally, our recommendation is that it be eaten raw, although if you prefer it differently, it is your choice.

2. Carrot

Since childhood we are taught that carrot is one of the favorite components to take care of our eyes. But if until now you did not know the reason, here we will explain it to you. First, it is important to highlight the advantages of its orange color, rich in beta-carotene.

The best? This substance prevents rapid degeneration of the eye. In addition, carrots contain a good dose of vitamin A that helps improve photoreceptors. That is, it benefits the clarity of vision and your ability to see in the dark.

And it is that in the retina there are cells that allow us to differentiate between black and white. Ideal colors to distinguish between light and dark. When a person lacks vitamin A, appreciating them becomes fuzzy.

What happens then? They tend to suffer from what is commonly known as night blindness. For this reason it is recommended to eat carrot in balanced doses, in any of its presentations.

3. Salmon

One of the most nutritious foods that you should include in your diet is salmon. Have you tried it? It is a type of oily fish that gives your body the opportunity to absorb all the necessary Omega-3.

This food for visual health helps to improve dryness and reduces the possibility of suffering from cataracts by 30%. In general, it favors the correct functioning of the retina, an essential part of the eyeball.

It also helps control blood cholesterol and prevents macular degeneration.

4. Oranges

One of the most recommended citrus fruits when it comes to visual health is oranges. Inexhaustible sources of vitamin C that fill those who consume them with energy. In addition to this, they help the subject reduce the possibility of suffering from cataracts.

Also due to their composition of carotenoids, they help prevent cancer in the area and prevent rapid degeneration of the retina. Since they take care of the blood vessels that make it up.

Another of the benefits demonstrated so far that this fruit provides for visual health is that it controls and lowers intraocular pressure. And like other citrus fruits, like kiwi, they supply collagen to the muscle that supports the eyeball.

5. Red paprika

A food that fills your dishes with color, but beyond the exquisite flavor that it gives your palate, red paprika is made up of a set of substances with properties that ensure a significant improvement in your vision.

For example, it is made up of vitamins A and E that give it that bright red hue. In addition to this, these nutrients optimize the subject's night vision and provide antioxidants that stop macular degeneration.

It contains an important contribution of vitamin C that prevents some of the most common eye diseases. In the case of suffering a wound, it facilitates its healing. And, on a general level, it strengthens the immune system of the human body.

6. Pure chocolate

A rich food that we can add to our diet, because this product includes antioxidants called flavonoids that improve visual acuity at all times.

Additionally, it contributes to the circulatory system, intervening positively in the internal vascular process. For its part, the high zinc component protects the cells of the retina from oxidation.

Remember that in these cases, chocolate with a high sugar and fat content will not have a greater effect. It is essential that it contains at least 70% cocoa to be truly nutritious. In fact, it is recommended that it does not contain sugar either.

7. Green tea

Numerous digestive and even analgesic properties are attributed to green tea. However, there are very few recognized visual advantages. This is because it contains components called catechins.

They are antioxidants that after being ingested and absorbed through the digestive tract, reach the tissues that make up the eyes. In this way they help protect the retina and reduce the possibility of developing cataracts in the future.

In addition, its preparation is very simple and will allow you to relax before bed. You just need a little boiling water and the tea leaves.

Remember that each of these recommendations can be validated with the opinions of specialists in the field. That is, the doctors who are in the ophthalmological clinic in Madrid of your choice.

8. Sunflower seeds

We age, this is a reality that we face every day. The passing of the years weakens each of the systems that make up the human body. Among them one of the most outstanding is the vision.

For this reason, we recommend that all our patients undergo recurrent examinations at an ophthalmological clinic in Madrid. And, of course, it is essential that they add sunflower seeds to their diet, in order to keep their eyes in excellent healthy condition.

This food has a high degree of vitamin E, a nutrient that stops the ravages of the general aging of the body. In other words, in the same way that it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, it helps to counteract any possible eye disease.

9. Egg

The egg cannot be missing in a healthy and balanced diet. Remember that when you feed your body correctly, it appreciates it by staying healthy and strong in the face of any disease.

When we talk about the egg we realize that it is an important source of vitamin A, thiamin and iron. This helps to sharpen the subject's vision. But it also contains lutein, a pigment that is part of the retina and protects from sunlight.

Thanks to its source of canthaxanthin, it prevents the development of cataracts in the elderly. Additionally, it is rich in Omega-3 and zinc, two ideal nutrients for the proper functioning of the conjunctiva. Do you want to take care of your eyes? Then add eggs to your usual diet.

10. Nuts

The perfect alternative to provide fiber, take care of our weight at the time of craving and maintain a good visual condition. Did you know that among the most prominent nuts are walnuts and peanuts?

This pair of foods are made up of Omega-3, vitamin B and protein. On the other hand, they have selenium and zinc. Together, these elements provide benefits to the strengthening of the muscles that make up the eyes.

Likewise, its antioxidant characteristics delay the process of retinal degeneration. This qualifies nuts as one of the essential foods in order to protect visual health. Do you want to prove it? Ask your trusted doctor at an eye clinic.

11. Dairy products and their derivatives

You will be surprised at the benefits that milk and products made from it can bring to your health. Its consumption is recommended because it is rich in calcium, and additionally brings benefits to vision.

Moreover, if there is still no milk or any of its derivatives in the fridge at home, you should run to buy it. It has vitamin A, known because it will naturally help you have a healthy conjunctiva. That is, that membrane that covers the outside of the eye.

But that is not all. Taking it will be useful in order to keep the retina in good condition. Which sharpens near and far vision. Surprising, right?

12. Olive Oil

One of the essential elements to accompany salads. Food from the Mediterranean that has become essential in all diets. And now even our eye clinic in Madrid recommends it.

Olive oil contains properties that help prevent macular degeneration. Also known as that slow destruction of central vision, associated with age in many cases. Do you want to know how to prevent this from happening to you? Consume two tablespoons of oil during the day.

13. Oysters

Seafood is always a good option when you want to stay healthy thanks to a healthy diet. In this case, the others are nutritious and improve the functioning of the body, due to their high percentage of selenium and zinc.

Both are essential minerals that delay the effects of aging, protecting the macular area of ​​the eye made up of the retina. The same zinc allows your body to quickly absorb other types of vitamins, in addition to promoting their release from the liver so that they are used in the eye tissues.

14. Grapes

We are almost at the end of this list about the 15 foods for visual health. The 14th position is led by grapes, one of the fruits widely recommended for the well-being of the eyes.

When the grape is dark, it has a high content of resveratrol. A substance present in wine and other plants, which works as an antioxidant. In a way that optimizes blood circulation and the action of the blood vessels present in the eyes.

15. Corn

This last food appears at the end of our list but that does not mean that you should downplay it. It has two elements that act against macular degeneration: lutein and zeaxanthin.

Eating corn is especially suggested for women, as it prevents cataracts.
