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11 Tricks To Get People To Like You

Getting people to like you is no magic. Here are 11 creepy psychological tricks to get someone to like you:

#1. Humans are Selfish

The human mind is shockingly weak and unashamedly selfish. This also happens to be the greatest human weakness. To get someone to like you, simply find something they have a weakness for, like food or ice cream, or just old-fashion pride. I don't have to tell you what to do next.

#2. Make Them Feel Important

Do you crave for importance? Everybody does. Do you want someone to like you? Make them feel important. Do you want people to love you? Love them first. Do you enjoy flattery? Flirt with people's imaginations and make it look genuine without overdoing it.

You will see them break down in front of your eyes like a rag doll. Psychology doesn't discriminate. It gets the best of even the most well-schooled and smart human beings on earth. It gets into them without them even suspecting.

#3. Everybody Loves Free Stuff

Do you like free stuff? Well, everybody does—even if they don't want to admit it. Do you find it difficult to work for someone for free? Well, you don't know the secret of life.

If you really want someone to like you, just offer to work for them for free—especially someone you want to capture the attention of. A few people will refuse a free service. They'll not only like you, but they'll also feel indebted to you. People love people who scratch their backs.

#4. People Think You’re After Their Money

Do you know why people don't like you? They think you're after their money. For some strange reason, money is like the soul of a human being. Problem is that everybody loves money. Have you ever asked anyone to pay you with anything else other than money? We'll, there's a secret to get people to like you. By giving people the impression that their money is still intact, you're actually giving them a reason to like you.

#5. No Free Lunch

People don't like you for nothing. You have to work for it. Give people a good reason to like you. It doesn't have to be money. It can be an emotion, a laughter, a smile.

Have you any idea why people are unhappy and miserable? They lack emotional support. Give someone emotional support, even if you think they don't appreciate it, and they'll never forget you.

#6. Information is Power

These days, people are suckers for free information. Information is valuable. Information is power. When you give someone free information, they think you have empowered them, and they feel they owe you. When you don't ask for money, the next best thing they feel they owe you is to like you.

#7. Everybody Loves a Good Laugh

Everybody loves a good laugh. What about humor? Everybody does. Entertainment is good for everyone. In fact, entertainment let's us forget bad things.

Entertainment relieves stress, even depression. How about trying it on someone else? Learn to be a comedian—at least for one day. Make people laugh, even if you're not a comedian.

#8. Leverage the Law of Attraction

Ever heard about the law of attraction and the power of visualization? Maybe not, but I think you're missing out on a very important aspect of life. Visualization creates a minefield around your mind—an invisible magnetic field of the thing you want to attract.

Ever wondered how members of the opposite are attracted to each other? I wish I had time to explain it, but I guess I'll write an article about it—later. Visualizing a targeted person liking you creates a magnetic field around the person and draws their attention. I know it sounds creepy, but as I said, I'll write an article about it.

#9. Wear a Fixed Smile

As I said earlier, people are looking for people who can give them emotional support. People are suffering silently emotionally. Emotional support is lacking in the world as is love. Do you want someone to like you? Put on a fixed smile.

Smiling is infectious, and forces other people to like you automatically. A smile says to other people, “I bring hope". Nobody says “No" to hope.

#10. Join Their Circles

Do you want someone to like you badly? Join their circles. Join their clubs. Join the same Facebook Groups. Like what they like. Agree with what they say—even if it sounds stupid. Make a contribution to their club, society, church, mosque, or temple.

Make an impact to the community around the person you want to attract. There’s a price to pay for everything.

#11. Know the Person

Last but not least, know the person you're trying to woo. Is he or she a president, a politician, or a business person? Is he/she a person you want to date, or is he/she a little child? You cannot deal with humans the same way. Self-confidence is the key here.

People are differently unique in different ways. The way an adult responds to stimuli is different from the way a child responds. Important people also respond to stimuli differently from ordinary people. You must be highly targeted and tactical in your approach.

