Courses & Documentary

10 Valid Points That Makes Life More Meaningful

Today we bring you 10 points that makes life more meaningful if you like please share with your friends and family


1.To have a decent education, career, and generally, a good life or money is something to be celebrated by all means. And I think to some extent, wearing Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Gucci, Cartier, Tiffany or Dior can also count as a privilege. However, the main reason why people wear these names is that people don’t know their own identity. And to a large extent, this contributes to their unhappiness because they haven’t discovered who they really are. Your life journey is not yet complete until you make a self-discovery.

2.Count yourself privileged if you have lived a reasonably happy life, had a decent education, and live a financially comfortable life, have paid your rent in due time, own your own house, and you’re out of debt. Most people think life has no meaning because they didn’t have the privilege to enjoy an ounce of true freedom.

3.Waking up each morning with a fresh mind, and knowing that you have something to live for makes life worthwhile and gives life a purpose. Living for a purpose eliminates fear, the stresses of life and self-doubt and even makes breathing easier. I think it also makes eating easier.

4.Knowing that there’s someone to love always gives shape to life. This is human nature that we will never understand. It’s a place where emotions are connected with satisfaction and fulfillment, which remains a mystery. To imagine that I am living without loving someone or someone loving me is like living in an egg-shell or a prison-cell without windows.

5.Loving and appreciating yourself first completely eliminates self-doubt, self-pity, and suicidal tendencies. It makes it possible and even enjoyable and easier to love someone else. Not loving yourself is like burying your head in the sand and pretending nobody sees you.

6.Breathing a lungful of fresh air always gives me a feeling of gratitude and privilege to be alive. What, with all the pollution in the atmosphere? Nonetheless, breathing fresh air whether polluted or not is still better than not breathing. Of course, if this wasn't the case, the air would choke us to death. Breathing is a constant reminder that life did not place us here without a purpose, and if there’s a purpose, you should find it fast and start living and enjoying it. You should celebrate the fact that you’re not dead and there are millions others who would have given anything to be alive today.

7.There’s nothing like spending some quality time with your buddies eating, drinking and laughing happily without a care in the world, and just having fun and basically talking about everything from politics to sex, enjoying good food and the kind of people that make you happy or drive you crazy, and generally, things that make you happy, angry or sad. That’s life. The quality of it depends on how you live it.

8.Basically, completing some task or achievement or doing something worthwhile while under the influence of sheer passion makes life seem reasonable — right? When you think about it, humans are nothing but a bunch of animals that get high on anything, not just drugs. And then we go yapping about it and thinking and feeling like we’ve really made it — right? We even go as far as bragging about it and telling everybody about it just to find happiness. Yet happiness is only at an arm’s length away when you find your true self.

9.Everybody thinks that the epitome of everything is self-actualization. Yet, the way and means to get there is usually at the expense of others. It never occurs to us that perhaps the way to get to our destiny is through the help of others whether they are aware of it or not. No wonder, when we get to where we think is our destiny we quickly forget where we came from and get bored because there’s nothing beyond. We are completely shut out to the fact that we could, in fact, turn back and assist someone else to get there, and if we do this passionately, then our fulfillment is assured.

10.There is an overwhelming amount of poverty in the world not just materially but also spiritually and intellectually. For this reason, there’s always an opportunity to extend help to someone. If you’re financially endowed, extend financial help. If you have plenty of food share it with others. Even with the little you have, find someone who doesn’t have any. If you’re spiritually gifted, there’s plenty of soil to sow seed. If you’re intellectually gifted, there’s no shortage of hungry minds. In short, there’s plenty of opportunities to make a difference in someone else’s life. This is what makes life meaningful.
