Travel & Tours

Santa Cruz del Islote, Columbia

Santa Cruz del Islote has an area of just one percent of a square kilometer in size where 816 people squeeze their entire lives. The island is so full that a guy does his daily workout routine near a dog feces and chaotic life here creates new adaptations. Since we arrived on the island, we’ve been constantly encountering people no matter where we turn. People come out from every corner. It’s impossible to be alone on these crowded streets. Each house here has dozens of people living together in tiny rooms.

Jam-packed Colombian island preserves quiet way of life | CNN

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De la serie "Santa Cruz del Islote". Colombia 2017- 2019 — Charlie Cordero

Santa Cruz del Islote, Columbia

The magical realism of Santa Cruz del Islote - photo essay | Colombia | The  Guardian

Ruhi Çenet
