Health & Diet

How I cured my Peanut Allergy in 6 weeks

I have suffered with nut allergies all my life. Every reaction was an intense anaphylactic shock. Even the slightest exposure, would cause me to break out in rashes, swollen face, shortness of breath and an itchy throat. Peanuts were off limits! To even smell them, made me ill. Nut allergies have become more prevalent in recent years, and with the risk of death, it only takes one bite of the wrong food to change your life, or end it, for good. Recently, I decided to apply the principles of progressive overload to treat my nut allergy, taking small amounts of cashews and then peanuts, to build a tolerance for the nuts overall.. Pistachios, Brazil nuts, Walnuts etc. Immunotherapy combined, with a low inflammation diet and breathwork, helped me to overcome my lifelong and life threatening nut allergy.

Sandwiches to feed your child with a peanut allergy

How I cured my Peanut Allergy in 6 weeks
