Courses & Documentary

Here's How You can Be Rich Without Been An Entrepreneur

Let’s play Monopoly to answer your quest  of Knowledge and explain carefully how it is done by the world wealthiest!

Remember this famous board game?

How do you win the game?

By making every other player bankrupt!


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The player with most hotels and houses across the board always wins the game!

The same rule applies in life —how do you become rich without owning a business?

Answer: By owning assets!

Wealth originates from assets — NOT from a high paying job, NOT from saving money in the bank, NOT from working hard, but from cash flowing assets.

Next time you play Monopoly, prove this lesson with a fun test:

  1. Every player will play by the rules —except you.
  2. You start the game with 10 times more cash than the other players, but you CANNOT buy any properties.

Try it, and tell me who wins the game…

After you prove this on the Monopoly game, ask yourself, how are you playing the game of life?

  • Are you working to make money or to create wealth?