Elon Musk has been the subject of a lot of scrutiny over the past few months, and this latest move is only going to add fuel to that fire. The Tesla CEO fired several dozen Twitter employees overnight on Wednesday, most of whom were engineers.
This was a surprising move for many people in the industry who were not expecting it at all. This is because Elon Musk had been quite vocal about his belief that Twitter should be more like its early days when it was used as a means for communication and not just a way to share articles or see what celebrities are doing.
He also said that he wanted to improve the quality of information shared on Twitter by creating an algorithm that would decide which tweets would be shown first based on how trustworthy they are, but he failed to mention anything about firing employees in order to do so.
In the past, Elon Musk has often used Twitter to criticize journalists and lawmakers. Twitter is an important aspect of Elon Musk's public persona and he has been known to use it as a platform for his ideas and to communicate with the public. As such, many people were shocked when they learned that Tesla had fired an unknown number of employees after a company-wide email was sent out.