Apple has confirmed that iPhones will receive USB-C charging ports — a move widely considered as inevitable, if not overdue. Speaking at The Wall Street Journal’s Tech Live conference this week, Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Greg Joswiak, claimed the company will “have to comply” after having its hand forced by European lawmakers.
The new law was recently passed in the European Parliament and will require all mobile phones, tablets and cameras sold in the EU to have a USB-C charging port by the end of 2024. This extends to laptops by mid-2026, and is aimed at reducing e-waste and encouraging consumers to make more sustainable choices.
While most manufacturers have transitioned their mobile devices over to USB-C charging in recent years, Apple has held on to its lightning port for iPhones like Thor to his hammer. All current-generation iPads — including the brand new entry model — have been updated, but the recently released iPhone 14 range is still using Apple’s proprietary lightning port technology that launched over 10 years ago.