An Apple analyst has teased the first full screen iPhone, reportedly slated for release sometime in 2024. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who previously predicted that the phone could arrive sometime in 2023, shared his new projection in a series of tweets, revealing more display components included in the alleged iPhone.
“I think the real full-screen iPhone will come in 2024,” Kuo’s tweet read. “High-end iPhones in 2024 would adopt an under-display front camera alongside the under-display Face ID.”
Kuo went on to say that a “low-light condition is detrimental to front camera quality” and that “ISP and algorithms are critical for quality improvements.”
In regards to a 2024 release, Kuo said the time schedule has more to do with marketing than the technical issues.
Per Kuo’s prediction, the full screen iPhone would debut in the lineup as the iPhone 16. That would mean that the forthcoming iPhone 15 would be devoid of an under-display camera for Face ID.