Health & Diet

4 Simple Ways To Reverse Liver Damage Caused By Unhealthy Eating

Our bodies are remarkable, regenerating beings — here’s why, Everything will eventually catch up to us.

But the good news is you can turn it around by eating healthy foods. The better news is that you can reverse junk food damage!

A study was conducted (on mice) to see the effects of a diet that mimicked a typical fast food meal.

Read Also: 4 Simple Ways To Reverse Liver Damage Caused By Unhealthy Eating

This diet was 40 per cent fat, containing high fructose corn syrup (toxic). The mice were also forced to become sedentary, which mirrors the lifestyle of many Americans today (and other races too).

Within four weeks, the mice started to display an increase in liver enzymes. That increase signifies liver damage and the start of glucose intolerance. So, as you can guess, that’s a key indicator for developing type two diabetes.

Fast food doesn’t cause liver damage. The harm to your liver comes from eating too many calories and too much fat and sugar.

It could quickly occur if you eat too many burgers, fries, soda, and other fast food items.

The main issue at hand here is the high caloric content. It’s pretty easy to eat a fast food meal that contains your daily caloric needs (say about 2,000 calories).


For both adults and children, if you have indulged far too many times in fast food, you should urgently take the necessary steps to reverse any damage to your liver and decrease any instances of type two diabetes occurring.

One: When you go out to eat, find healthy alternatives instead
Eat a burger without the bread buns, and eliminate the added extras, like cheese, bacon and high caloric sauces.

Instead, try grilled chicken, fish or a salad with baked potatoes. Drink water instead of soft drinks.

Two: Keep your fast food meals to once a week only
It can be a hard habit chance initially, but your health is worth it.

Fast food meals should be thought of as a treat and not something feasible to eat every day.

Three: Start increasing your activity
Take up a sport, move around more, go to the gym or get into group sessions.

You must exercise regularly to help keep your weight under control and train your body to metabolize and process the food you eat.

Four: Get regular blood tests
Check with your doctor just how those liver enzymes are doing.

Then, why not have another test later on as you progress into your healthy-eating plan so you can see for yourself just how much of an impact those good habits are on your healthy.

