Health & Diet

3 Causes Of Foamy Urine

Causes of foamy urine ,In general they can be divided into:

1.Due to the speed at which urine flows during urination, the fuller the bladder, the more when expelled, the faster the flow → creating a foamy effect on the urine

2.Because it is too concentrated / lack of fluid, so the substances contained in the urine tend to be easy to 'foam' because it is 'condensed'; usually often occurs in athletes or people who like physical exercise quite hard, or in a fever condition

3.Signs that there is a lot of protein 'leaking' into the urine, usually in people with kidney problems, could be due to nephritic syndrome, nephritis, kidney failure, or even have a urinary tract infection that doesn't go away

We recommend that you immediately check urea creatinine and blood albumin, routine urine tests and ultrasound of the kidneys for initial screening examinations.
