Health & Diet

Tomatoes! The Wonder Cure

The tomato, whose botanical name is Solanum lycopersicum, is an edible berry-like fruit that is used in a variety of ways by people from all over the world. 

The middle belt regions of Nigeria (Benue, Plateau), as well as the northern regions, are where tomatoes are farmed (Kano, Kaduna). The primary dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been associated with a number of health advantages, including a decreased risk of cancer and heart disease, is tomatoes. 

A significant source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. 

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When fully grown, tomatoes are often red, although they can also be yellow, orange, green, or purple. Additionally, there are numerous tomato subspecies with various forms and tastes.

A good source of various vitamins and minerals is tomato:

Vitamin C- this vitamin is both an antioxidant and a necessary nutrient. 28 percent of the Reference Daily Intake can be met by one medium tomato (RDI).

Potassium- potassium is a crucial mineral that lowers blood pressure and prevents heart disease (3Trusted Source).

Vitamin K- sometimes called phylloquinone, is crucial for healthy blood coagulation and bones (4, 5Trusted Source).

Folate (vitamin B9)- folate, one of the B vitamins, is crucial for healthy cell growth and tissue development. 

Tomato consumption has been associated with better skin health, a decreased risk of cancer, and heart disease.

Cardiac health 
Tomatoes contain folate, potassium, vitamin B, niacin, and other nutrients that help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Therefore, these are the two main causes of heart disease. So you can easily lower your risk of heart disease by eating tomatoes. The leading cause of death in the world is cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attacks and strokes. Low blood levels of the antioxidants lycopene and beta-carotene have been related to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes in middle-aged men.

Nutritional Information and Health Benefits of Tomatoes:
For beautiful hair- nearly all women are searching for a miraculous elixir that will transform them into gorgeous women with luscious hair. The vitamins in tomatoes, according to the study, also support the growth of healthy, long hair. Yes, tomatoes contain vitamin A, which is crucial for the health of your hair. Your hair becomes more robust and glossy as a result.

Benefits for the Skin 
This is one of the most economical ways to have glowing skin. Lycopene, a chemical associated with tomatoes' deep red color, is abundant in tomatoes. According to the study, lycopene is used to create cosmetic cleansers. The question then becomes why you would purchase facial cleanser products from the market that are laden with potent chemicals when lycopene is naturally present in tomatoes. In addition to this, tomatoes also contain beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, and other nutrients that help shield your skin from aging and sun damage. Tomatoes must therefore be a regular part of your diet for this reason, among others.

Additional Antioxidants 
Antioxidants work to both prevent the production of free radicals in the bloodstream and to counteract their negative effects. You must therefore incorporate tomatoes into your diet because they contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamins that help fight against free radicals.

 Weight Benefits Advantage
Additionally helpful for preventing weight loss, tomatoes. It is a nutrient-dense food that is low in calories and rich in energy. Additionally, it contains a lot of water, which keeps you full for longer. Along with this, they support your body's blood sugar equilibrium.

To Prevent Cancer 
Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are the primary causes of cancer. It has been discovered that tomatoes have cancer-preventive, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. The proliferation of malignant cells in the body is slowed down by the natural antioxidant lycopene. Additionally, the study discovered that tomatoes contain alpha-tomatine, a phytonutrient that aids in the death of male prostate cancer cells.By including tomatoes in your diet, you can easily lower your risk of developing breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and non-small cell lung cancer.

To Improve Eye Sight 
Tomatoes' beta carotene and vitamin A can help you see better. So it is advised to consume raw tomatoes since they also reduce the chance of developing night blindness.

For Bone Health 
A necessary nutrient that supports bone health and tissue repair is vitamin K. Lycopene, which is present in tomatoes and aids in bone health by stimulating osteoblasts, can be consumed to strengthen your bones.

Other Benefits:
• Fibres in tomatoes also help to prevent asthma.
• Prevent DNA Damage
• Protect Against Thrombosis
• Prevent Alzheimer's disease
• Tomatoes can help prevent kidney stones and gallstones

Are raw tomatoes good for us?
Raw tomatoes are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that have a number of benefits. They contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that protect against serious diseases. Eating more tomatoes and vegetables in general can help prevent bone loss, cancer, diabetes, kidney stones, stroke, heart attack, obesity — you name it. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and lycopene that promotes prostate health for men. Love raw tomatoes!

Since the early 19th century, tomatoes have been grown in the US during the warmer months. The rich flavor of tomatoes can be enjoyed through tomato soup, which is a staple in the diets of many Americans. 

Although some varieties of tomato soup can be rich in sodium, the soup has a variety of health advantages because it also contains essential minerals and vitamins and phytonutrients. 

Lycopene, a vitamin with a red tint that gives tomato soup its color, is abundant in tomato soup and is very healthy. Strong antioxidant protection is offered by lycopene, which searches for and destroys reactive oxygen species, a class of molecules linked to aging. Vitamins A and C, two crucial components for health, are also abundant in tomatoes.

 Gene activity can be controlled by vitamin A, 476 international units of vitamin A, or 16% of the daily recommended allowance for men and 20% for women, are present in each serving of tomato soup. 15.6 milligrams of vitamin C, or 21 and 17 percent, of the daily value for men and women, respectively, are present in one cup of tomato soup.

In accordance with Harvard Health Publications, a lycopene-rich diet prevents chronic diseases like stroke. There were no established lycopene consumption guidelines as of October 2013. According to Harvard, taking 10 milligrams a day can have some advantages for your health. An astonishing 13.3 mg of sodium are found in one cup of tomato soup.

The vitamin C in tomato soup helps metabolism, keeps tendons and ligaments healthy, and safeguards the nervous system.

Selenium and Copper 
You also absorb more selenium and copper when you eat tomato soup. In addition to supporting the generation of healthy sperm, selenium also supports the health of your blood vessels, muscles, and thyroid, all of which are crucial for male reproductive health.

 Tomato soup has 6.2 micrograms of selenium per serving, or 11% of the daily recommended value. One cup of tomato soup contains 206 micrograms of copper, or 23% of the daily required value.

Sodium issues 
excessive intake One significant nutritional drawback of tomato soup is its high salt level. Regular tomato soup has 471 mg of sodium per serving, or about one-third of the daily guideline. Regular consumption of a high-sodium diet results in persistently high blood pressure, which in turn harms the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels. Sodium raises blood pressure. 

Select a low-sodium tomato soup if at all possible; one serving has 82 milligrams of sodium, or 5% of the recommended daily intake. Better still, make your own soup so you can control what goes into your meal.
