Business & Events

IMF and FRC discuss technical assistance needs for 2023-2024 work plan

A delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mission to Nigeria led by the Director of the Second African Regional Technical Assistance Center in West Africa (AFRITAC West 2), Eva Jenkner, arrived last week. Visit to Budget Responsibility  (FRC)  which discusses areas of technical support for the  2023/2024 financial year work plan. 
A statement from the committee said a roundtable had been held between  visiting IMF officials and its leadership on the technical assistance needs needed over the next two years. 
Informing visitors, the Committee's Chairman, Victor Muruako, recalled that the Committee received valuable support from the IMF West 2 delegation on staff capacity building which was held almost in October. Private.

The President, who was represented by the Executive Director, Muhammed Zailani, said the training highlighted, among other important issues, the Commission's role  as an independent budgetary institution. establishment, external monitoring or evaluation body in the  fiscal space of the country. 
For its part, the IMF team reiterated the readiness of AFRITAC West 2 to assist the Commission in carrying out this important work. They state that transparency and accountability are key considerations in the Foundation's interventions. 
Other issues raised in the discussion included the Committee's working relationship with Congress, the Federal Treasury Department and other relevant government agencies. 
 AFRITAC West 2 - a collaborative effort between the IMF, beneficiary countries and a number of bilateral and multilateral partners - was established to provide capacity building support in six West African countries. The countries are Cape Verde, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia.
