Health & Diet

11 Ways To Maximize Your Happiness

Here are 11 ways to maximize your happiness

1.Invest Yourself Fully Into Every Situation - Leave no stone unturned, leave nothing unchecked, leave nothing to regret. Go at life with all you’ve got regardless of what may happen. Living fully will bring some pain, but it will bring you so much more joy.

2.Never Surrender On What You Truly Want - Find a way, not an excuse. Find a reason to do it, not to give up on it. Create a path where there is none, because you will only regret it otherwise! There is always a reason not to do it and always a way to fail, but there is also always a way to succeed and a reason to do it.

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3.Ignore Those Around You - When you are giving life your all make sure to ignore the voices and looks of judgement of everyone beside you. Laugh at the stupid puns, smile at the cute person, and be as weird as you want to be. Remember: Life Fully!

4.Do What You Said You Would - Everything you want to do, everything you feel you should do, and everything you stress about is something you want to do for you. You are not doing this for anyone else and do not have to justify why you do not do it either. This is all for you! Meaning, if you say something and do not do it, the only one you’re hurting is yourself. But if you say you will do something and then do it, the one who will reap the greatest rewards is you as well.

5.Take Responsibility For Your Own Life - If you don’t do it, other people will! Either you act on your own accord and get what you want, or you react to everyone else and get what they want. This is your life. Not theirs. So make your own choices and live your own life. Yes, the responsibility is a burden, but if you take that burden then every victory you reap will be 100% yours.

6.Surround Yourself With People You Believe In - Do yourself a favor and find people you believe in with all your heart. Find those that love you for who you are, that will yell at you to be your best and those that care more about where you’re going than where you are. Find the people that bring out your best and that you can rely on to call you out on it, and never let them go.

7.Go Outside - Studies have shown that especially being around trees helps a lot with negative emotions. If you do not have a forest near you it’s fine, just get out of your house at least once a day. Take at least 5–10 minutes out of your day to spend some time outside with no agenda. (This means that `Going to Work`does not count for this outside time).

8.Prioritize Your Time - How happy we are at the end of the day boils down to how we spent the 24 hours we had that day. Did we spend it on the things that truly mattered? On those things we truly wanted to do?And those things that we loved to do or that advanced our life? Or did we waste the entire day? What do you think will make you happier?

9.BE EXCITED - It doesn’t matter whether or not you have a reason to be excited, just smile, get into a wide stance and pump some energy into the world. Move around your desk more, become as active as you can and just get some energy flowing.
Test it out yourself right now! Stand up. Stretch every muscle in your body as wide as you can, especially all of those muscles in your face. Take up as much space as possible! And now: SMILE! Think about everything life has to offer, everything great about it, everything you could still achieve! And now jump 3 times as high as you can. Feeling better already, aren’t you?

10.Listen To Your Inner Voice - When you are at the end of your day, month, year and at the end of your life, the things others have told you to do will not matter one bit. Nothing will matter unless you stand behind the things you have done. Instead of listening to the voices of the world start to listen to yourself. What is it you need to be happy? What is it you cannot give up on, no matter what? What are your dreams, aspirations and goals? What do you want?
Then… go out and do it. No matter what anyone else says!

11.Fight For Your Life - This goes back to #1 and #2. Fight for what truly matters to you. Fight your fears, the nay-sayers, the people that would advise you differently and everybody who thinks you will not make it. Fight for a life that you want to live, no matter what that means. Do something about it! Do something about it today. Because, the closer you get each and every day the greater you will feel about it all.
